- 26/11/2021 -

Customs Clearance Process in Brazil

What are the custom clearance channels in Brazil ?

According to the information presented in the DI and information gathered by the private sector or other sources, the goods will follow through one of the four customs clearance channels:

  1. Green channel
    The automatic custom clearance of the goods is authorized; a proof of import is then emitted and the goods are sent to the importer.
  2. Yellow channel
    A thorough examination of the importation documents is performed;
  3. Red channel
    The customs authorities perform examination of the import documents as well as a physical examination of the goods;
  4. Grey channel
    On top of previous examinations, an analysis of the customs value of the goods is performed. This analysis is performed accordingly to the article VII of the GATT on customs’ valuation. This process can take up to 120 days in extreme circumstances.
  5. Blue channel
    This channel is being progressively implemented in Brazilian customs operations. This new channel offers some distinguished advantages such as priority warehousing of the products and a preferred orientation – albeit not automatic – into the green channel.

How many steps to clear through customs goods ?

  1. Registry
    The clearing process of the goods will start at the time the Import Declaration (DI) is registered via SISCOMEX. For this to happen, all the legal demands and documents required by legislation must have been sent.
    The payment of taxes and import duties, ICMS excluded, are made at the time the Import Declaration (DI) is registered.
  1. Parameters definition
    In this step, SISCOMEX automatically processes the Import Declarations (DI) and defines one of the custom clearance channels:
    Green – Automatic custom clearance
    Yellow – Examination of the documentation
    Red – Examination of the documentation and physical examination of the goods
    Grey – Examination of the documentation and analysis of the declared customs value.
  2. Dispatch to the customhouse
    Once processed by the SISCOMEX, the DI will be dispatched to a tax inspector.
  3. Trial
    The tax inspector will process to the automatic clearance, examination of documentation, physical examination and analysis of the declared customs value; depending on the defined channel. This process can take between 1 and 15 days, depending on the defined channel.
  4. Clearance
    Once the tax requirements intrinsic to importation have been met, the goods will be available to be collected and handled to the importer.

How long does it take to clear customs with Nobordist ?

Customs Clearance with Nobordist can take between 2/3 days vs up to 15 days with classic importation process. We are able to provide a fast funnel thanks to our platform anticipated customs clearance capacity.