General prohibitions and restrictions for international shipments to Brazil

Prohibited materials and products
Any explosive, gaseous, liquid, flammable, oxidizing, toxic, radioactive, corrosive material; hazardous and hospital products.
a. Explosives
Definition: Any chemical compound, mixture or mechanism capable of producing a pyrotechnic-explosive effect, with substantial instantaneous release of heat and gas. All explosives are prohibited.
Examples: nitroglycerin, fireworks, detonators, St. John’s Wars, ignition producers, fuses, lighting rockets, ammunition, etc. 2. Gases compressed, liquefied or dissolved under pressure.
b. Gases compressed, liquefied or dissolved under pressure
Definition: Permanent gases that cannot be liquefied at room temperature, liquefied gases that can become liquid under pressure at room temperature, dissolved gases that can be dissolved under pressure in solvent.
I – All flammable compressed gases are prohibited. Examples: hydrogen, ethane, methane, propane, butane, lighters, gas cylinders for camping stoves, lamps, etc.
II – All toxic compressed gases are forbidden. Example: chlorine, fluorine, etc.
III – All non-flammable compressed gases are forbidden. Example: carbon dioxide, nitrogen, neon, fire extinguishers containing these gases, etc.
IV – All aerosols are forbidden.
c. Liquid and pasty
Only liquids, including gel, paste, cream, aerosol and similar (e.g. creams, shampoos, ointments, etc.) are allowed to be shipped abroad to contract customers and provided that all of the following shipping conditions are met, with the exception of New Zealand destination:
Do not send any type of product that contains in its composition dangerous liquids, no matter its quantity or consistency, such as alcoholic beverages, perfumes, cleaning products, laboratory supplies, gasoline, diesel, methanol, paints, varnishes, turpentine, solvents, petroleum, glues, alcohol;
Do not send any type of product that contains in its composition oxidizing substances, organic or corrosive peroxides, such as bleach, body repair kits, fertilizers and chlorides, alkalines, devices with mercury, electric accumulators, car batteries and battery devices.
The packaging is one of the most important items for transportation, and should maintain the objective of protecting and ensuring the integrity of the cargo from the beginning to the end of the journey. Every object must be conditioned by the sender in packaging that resists the weight, shape and nature of the content, as well as the conditions of transport.
Use external packaging made of pressed cardboard or plywood, and built according to the weight it must support, whether the weight of the product itself or the weight of the stacking;
Pack the product with a sufficient amount of cushioning material and capable of absorbing all the liquid in case of leakage, such as vermiculite or other similar material, and accommodate the product so that it does not move inside the package;
Seal the volumes with wide and resistant adhesive tape. Do not use cords, thin durex style adhesive tapes and do not wrap the boxes with paper.
Include the following subtitles in Portuguese and English on the outside of the package: CONTAINS LIQUID NOT DANGEROUS (on at least three sides of the package).
Insert in the plastic envelope that is affixed on the outside of the order:
AWB filled with the complete description and exact quantity of the content (generic declaration will not be accepted);A copy of the MSDS (Safety Data Sheet for Chemical Products), or report/certificate issued by regulatory or supervisory body, describing the type of product and its non-dangerous characteristic (must be obtained by the customer);
– Invoice;
– Commercial Invoice;
– Other documents that may be necessary to register the export.
Eventually, even if all the above requirements are met, there is the possibility of refusal of shipment by the airlines responsible for transportation, and there may be changes in the guidelines at any time.
d. Solid and Inflammable
Definition: Solid materials that can produce fire by friction, water absorption, spontaneous chemical alteration, or retained heat resulting from manufacturing or processing, or that can be readily ignited and burn vigorously.
Examples: Phosphorus (any kind, including safety), calcium carbide, cellulose nitrate products, magnesium, nitrocellulose-based film, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sodium hydrate, zinc powder, zirconium hydrate, etc.
e. Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides
Definition: although not necessarily self-fuelling, these substances can cause or contribute to the combustion of other substances. They can also cause the decomposition of explosives, react dangerously with other substances, and harm health.
Examples: bromates, chlorides, fiberglass components, repair kits, nitrate, perchlorates, permanganates, peroxides, etc.
f. Toxic and infectious substances, other medical substances
Definition: Substances that can cause death or injury if swallowed or inhaled, or by skin contact. Substances containing microorganisms or their toxins that are known or suspected to cause disease.
Example: arsenic, beryllium, cyanide, fluoride, hydrogen selenite, mercury, mercury salt, mustard gas, nitrobenzene, nitrogen dioxide, pathogenic material, rat poison, serum, vaccines, etc.
g. Radioactive material
Definition: Any material with specific activity above 74 kilo-Becquerel per Kg (0.002 microCuries per gram). All radioactive material is prohibited.
Examples: Fissile material (Uranium 235, etc); radioactive waste. (Uranium or thorium ore, etc.)
h. Corrosives
Definition: substances that can cause serious damage through chemical action to living tissue to other cargoes or to the means of transport. All corrosive substances are prohibited.
Examples: aluminium chloride; caustic soda; corrosive liquid cleaning products; corrosive rust/profile removers; corrosive paint removers; electric battery storage; hydrochloric acid; hydrochloric acid; nitric acid; sulphuric acid, etc.
i. Several dangerous products
Definition: substances that present a danger and are not covered by insurance.
Example: asbestos, dry ice (solid carbon dioxide); magnetized material with a magnetic field force of 0.159 A/m or more, at a distance of 2.1 m from the outside of the order.
j. Medical, hospital and hygiene products essential to combat the epidemic of coronavirus in Brazil by all modalities Exporta Fácil
The prohibition is due to Law 13.993/2020, which deals with the prohibition of exports of medical products due to the pandemic.
The prohibited products are:
I – individual protection equipment for use in the health area, such as latex glove, nitrilic glove, waterproof apron, goggles, cap, surgical mask, face protector;
II – mechanical pulmonary ventilator and circuits;
III – hospital beds;
IV – multiparameter monitors.
Other Prohibitions or Restrictions
Any explosive, gaseous, liquid, flammable, oxidizing, toxic, radioactive, corrosive material; hazardous and hospital products.
a. Drugs Prohibited by Law
No drugs prohibited by law may be carried by the services of the CORREIOS. Those that are discovered in transit will be detained and delivered to customs or police authorities, who may take legal action against or sender and/or recipient. Example: narcotics, psychotropic substances, LSD, morphine; cocaine, hashish resin, opium, etc. Legally authorized shipments, containing narcotics and psychotropic substances, must carry the sender’s address in case of non-delivery, so that they can be returned without delay.
b. Living Creatures
Only certain types of living creatures are accepted, if they are packaged in appropriate conditions, under the responsibility of the customer:
– bees, leeches, silkworms;
– parasites and predators of harmful insects, provided they are intended for the control of these insects and exchanged between officially recognized institutions;
– Drosophila family flies used for biomedical research exchanged between officially recognized institutions.
c. Dead Animal
d. Money in Circulation
Banknotes and coins in circulation are prohibited. The transfer of cash by the CORREIOS is only allowed when made through the Electronic Mail Voucher, meeting the conditions of this service.
e. Indecent or Obscene Articles
Documents, printed matter, photographs, books or any other article and packages bringing words, marks or designs that are aggressively offensive, indecent or obscene are prohibited.
f. Objects whose Content Offends Against National Security
h. Drugs (shipping restriction)
In order to leave Brazil, the drugs must be accompanied by a prescription on behalf of the recipient of the object, with a recent date and the prescription must be posted together with the AWB outside the box of the object.
For controlled drugs, prior authorization from ANVISA must also be included. In addition, shipments are subject to compliance with any requirements of the health agency of the country of destination, so it is the entire responsibility of both sender and recipient to know these requirements in advance. The Post Office cannot represent clients before these agencies. If prohibited content is identified, the object is returned.
Shipments abroad of medical, hospital and hygiene products essential to combat the epidemic of the coronavirus in Brazil are suspended by all modes Exporta Fácil. The prohibition is due to Law 13.993/2020, which deals with the prohibition of exports of medical products due to the pandemic.
The prohibited products are:
I – individual protection equipment for use in the health area, such as latex glove, nitrilic glove, waterproof apron, goggles, cap, surgical mask, disposable mask, face protector;
II – mechanical pulmonary ventilator and circuits;
III – hospital beds;
IV – multiparameter monitors”.
g. Cigarettes, tobacco derivatives and similar products
i. Jewelry and Precious Stone (shipping restriction)
For the shipment of precious stones and/or jewelry destined for the exterior, these objects should:
1. be accompanied by documentation proving the origin of the goods such as electronic invoice of acquisition or invoice for export or permission to Lavra Garimpeira – PLG, etc.
2. Contain technical specification of the type of material and its respective grammage in the AWB/CP72 posting form (fields 3 and 7) or inserted in the plastic envelope attached to the package;
In addition, shipments declared as “gifts”, but according to the evaluation of the Federal Revenue Tax Auditors have commercial characteristics, will not be shipped to the countries of destination, being returned to the senders.
j. Objects Accepted with Restriction
Articles of gold, platinum, silver, bronze, nickel or any other valuable metal, banknotes and coins out of circulation, stamps or any other franchise formula, jewelry and precious articles or any representative paper of bearer value can only be accepted through Optional Insurance.
k. Specific prohibitions and restrictions
The definitions and examples quoted in the General Prohibitions List are not exhaustive. You should continue your consultation of the country-specific prohibitions and restrictions both in the spreadsheet of prohibitions and restrictions by country of destination and on the UPU – Universal Postal Union website.
l. Prohibitions of the Exporta Fácil Premium service
– Samples, Gifts, other or Merchandise with declared value superior to US$5,000.00 (five thousand American dollars) for Individuals and US$ 50,000.00 (fifty thousand American dollars) for Legal Entities;
– Gold, jewelry and jewelry artifacts;
– Gems and precious stones;
– Human part, including ashes;
– Biological material;
– Antiques and works of art;
– Password cards, cash or check.